Everyone in Manitoba is working hard to flatten the curve and limit the spread of COVID-19. In order to minimize the risk, we are asking for help from our parents and caregivers. Dr. Brent Roussin has outlined some important principals that are key to ensuring that attending child care is as safe as possible:
- Children who are sick must stay at home, even if mildly ill or if you think their sickness is unrelated to COVID-19.
- Children who have symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home and isolate.
- Call Health Links for advice on testing for COVID-19 and information about when your child can stop isolating and return to child care.
- If testing is recommended, it is important to get tested as soon as possible to limit the spread of COVID-19.
If you bring your child to Discovery and they are displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms. (https://sharedhealthmb.ca/covid19/screening-tool/ ) you will be called to pick up your child immediately.
Discovery has been directed from Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC);
“If a child is symptomatic and tests negative, the child can return to the Centre 24 hours after symptoms resolve. If a child with symptoms is not tested, they must isolate and be excluded from the Centre for a minimum of 10 days (and until symptoms resolve).”
“If someone is required to self-isolate, they should not be attending the child care facility.” This would include dropping off or picking up your child.
If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at 204 889-2689.
Stay healthy and take care.