We are very excited to share information with you about the new addition to our website. We have found an environmentally friendly way to give you a quick glimpse into your child’s classroom. All of Discovery’s programs have started to BLOG. The staff have been working very hard on creating a blog for each of your child’s programs. By the end of January, our goal will be for each of the programs to add a “new post” at least once a week.
There will be some changes in all of our programs now that the majority of our program’s documentation will be done through blogging. Discovery programs will discontinue the use of journals. Similar to the journals, the blogs will include pictures and/or text about something that happened in your child’s classroom. By using the website to blog, we will save on the use of paper and ink to print pictures. With help from the blogs, it will now also be possible to share special moments with extended family members.
For the next few weeks, staff in your child’s classroom will have an IPAD available to help you “sign up” for both Discovery’s “News” blog and your child’s classroom blog. Before signing up, you will be asked to sign a permission form. You should expect to see staff in your child’s classroom using an IPAD from time to time to prepare the weekly blog.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at dfreeman@discoverycc.com or call me at 204 889-2689 EXT 253.