We have been working with our landscape architect on ways to enhance the play space in our Adventure Playground (the outdoor play space in our back yard area).
We now have drawings with two different options. The two main differences between option #1 and option # 2 are:
- The location of the sand play area (in combination with the primary meeting / gathering space)
- The orientation and layout of circulation (main pathway which is likely a granular material and secondary “connectors” which may be a combination of materials and types including, stepping stones / boulders, dry stream bed, timber decks, logs etc.).
This week at our monthly staff meeting the staff had a chance to review both plan options and ideas that come with the plans. (Please see comments from staff now posted in the link area).
We are now looking for parent feedback about these ideas. After parents share their thoughts and ideas we will meet with our older children and ask about their views.
Once we figure out what we want in our outdoor play space we will need to request permission to make the changes from our landlords. Once permission is granted we will begin to dissect our plan into manageable chunks and begin applying for grants to get the work completed.
Parents please take the time to take a look at the details of each option and the photos accompanying the plans for an image of the idea. We are all very excited about this opportunity to “dream”. We have the opportunity to create an amazing outdoor play space that will allow children to explore, discovery and learn.
Parents to share your feedback please follow these steps;
- Indicate which option you prefer by writing your name under the option you like best
- Write comments under the photos you have opinions about
- Use the General comments area to make a comment to the overall plan.
Please provide comments no later than Friday, January 27, 2017.