Discovery’s Pandemic Plan

Discovery has developed a lengthy document to use as a guideline in case of a “Pandemic Outbreak”. As an Early Childhood Centre we have been designated as a “critical vendor” as we support those working in “essential services” and thus will make every effort to remain open during a pandemic outbreak.

The Team Leaders (Directors) along with the Chair of the Board of Directors or designated alternate will monitor the progress of the pandemic, be informed of public health warnings, and recommend actions to take, implement and modify the business continuity plan as needed.

This multi-page plan consists of important things for parent s to know;

  • Parents will have a backup child care plan to cover up to 14 consecutive days in case the facility has to close or their child needs to be excluded.
  • Parents/guardians will ensure the child care program can contact them/alternate contacts at all times. Please be sure all of your vital information has recently be updated and is accurate.
  • Parents will require and assist their children (if help is needed) in washing their hands immediately upon entering the playrooms in the morning. We encourage parents (but do not require) to do the same. Handwashing is one of the key ways that we can control this virus.
  • Parents will be expected to monitor the health of their children for symptoms of the pandemic illness, and report any symptoms of the pandemic illness to the staff of the Centre upon arrival.
  • Parents will advise the Centre staff of any symptoms of the pandemic illness in family members residing in their home.
  • Parents will be expected to pick up, or arrange pick up for their ill child within 30 minutes of being contacted if traveling by car or 60 minutes if traveling by bus.
  • Parents with symptoms of the pandemic illness are expected to arrange for an alternate adult to drop off and pick up their child and to notify the Centre as per current policies. Although it is not a part of the plan, it has been recommended that we minimize the number of people in our Centre for pick up and drop off.
  • Parents should be aware that children and adults may return to the child care Centre after 24 hours and they are symptom free, without any fever reducing medications, and can fully participate in all routines and activities.
  • Parents will contact the Centre by 10:00 a.m. to report an absence and symptoms. We will keep a daily record of the number of children exhibiting symptoms related to this pandemic illness; those being cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
  • Parents will need to be aware that if the Centre is unable to maintain ratio, during drop off time, incoming parents will be expected to stay until additional staff are able to come on duty.


Please check regularly for information updates on both the parent bulletin board in the link and on Discovery’s website.